Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Journey With
the Believers N Biz Mastermind
Brian Adanson

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur seeking a community where your faith and business principles align seamlessly? 

Look no further! Brian Adamson’s exclusive Believers N Biz Community is here to guide you on a transformative journey, helping you leverage your faith to build and scale a successful business.
Brian Adanson
This Program Is For You If You Are…
Unsatisfied Corporate Professional 
You went to college, you got your degree, you joined Corporate America, you’re building a promising career, yet you still feel stuck. A sense of fulfillment eludes you. Something isn’t right, you did everything right up until now and this is not how it’s supposed to be. So how can you fix this? Believers N Biz is dedicated to helping you build your inner world which shapes your outer world bringing you the fulfillment and tangible success your heart desires.
You’re Making Money But Not Keeping It
You’ve worked extremely hard to secure a stable income yet you’re still living paycheck-to-paycheck. You might even be a high earner with a salary of over 6 figures a year, yet you still feel broke before the end of every month. Believers N Biz is here to help you break free from these financial shackles and help you become truly wealthy by teaching you how to use your money better and redirect you to a path of long lasting prosperity.
An Entrepreneur or Aspiring Entrepreneur Seeking Time Freedom
Do you dream of becoming a serial entrepreneur who enjoys many streams of income all at once? Do you want to learn how to work on your own schedule and live the life of your dreams? Do you want to connect with and learn from other successful entrepreneurs who can help you grow, stay motivated, and expose you to new lucrative opportunities? Then Believers N Biz is for you!
Our Mission
Our mission is clear: to create a thriving community where entrepreneurs, both new and seasoned, can establish, grow, or scale their businesses on a solid foundation rooted in faith-based principles. We believe that true success begins with a strong mindset and unwavering faith. Join us on this empowering journey to achieve your business goals and foster personal growth.
The Believers N Biz Experience
Monthly Live Sessions With Brian Adamson
As a member of the program, you’ll gain exclusive access to a monthly live video session with Brian Adamson, a seasoned entrepreneur and real estate expert with over 16 years of experience. Brian will share invaluable insights, strategies, and practical tips to help you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.
Weekly Group Activities and Resources
Our program doesn’t stop at monthly sessions; we provide weekly group activities and a treasure trove of resources to keep you engaged and on the path to success. Whether you’re in real estate or any other business setting, our program offers universal principles that lay the foundation for a prosperous journey.
The Outcome
We Deliver
Believers N Biz is not just a program; it’s a transformative experience that goes beyond the process. Our role extends beyond teaching you how to build a business. Instead, we’re your dedicated guides on a transformative path toward financial independence, empowering you to carve out a life on your terms.
Access To Resources
As a member, you will receive a complimentary copy of our exclusive e-book. This valuable resource is designed to supplement your learning, providing additional insights and practical guidance to enhance your business endeavors.
Exclusive Email Updates and Blasts
Stay in the loop with regular email updates and blasts. Receive the latest trends, tips, and tactics directly in your inbox, ensuring you are always equipped with the knowledge needed to stay ahead in the business world.
Thriving Community
Liquid cash is the lifeblood of any business, and we’re here to show you the endless possibilities to secure it. Our webinar opens the door to funding options you might not have considered, providing you with the financial freedom to take your business to new heights.
Imagine having the freedom to pursue your dreams, build a six to seven-figure business, and achieve financial independence. True financial freedom isn’t solely about reducing debts; it’s about having assets that cover your liabilities, allowing you to live life on your own terms.
The 4 Pillars of Believers N Biz
At Believers N Biz, we understand that success is not just about the destination but the journey. That’s why our program revolves around four essential pillars, each designed to fortify your entrepreneurial venture and help you achieve lasting success:
In business, having faith goes beyond religious beliefs; it’s about trusting the process, believing in your abilities, and staying resilient in facing challenges. Our program will provide the tools to cultivate unwavering faith, empowering you to overcome obstacles and stay the course.
Physical and mental fitness are cornerstones of success. We’ll guide you on incorporating fitness routines into your busy schedule, helping you maintain peak performance and resilience in your entrepreneurial journey.
Sound financial management is vital to business success. During this phase, we’ll delve into practical financial planning, budgeting, and wealth-building strategies. Learn to manage your resources effectively and create a solid financial foundation for your business endeavors.
Beyond the confines of traditional success metrics, we believe true success is achieved when you have the freedom to live life on your terms. This phase focuses on unlocking your time, resources, and untapped potential. Discover the joy of true entrepreneurial freedom as you make empowered choices in your personal and professional life.

Plus as a Special FREE Bonus

Keys to Freedom Bundle

You will receive instant value upon joining the Believers N Biz 14 day free trial as we’re going to give you the Keys to Freedom Bundle.

This is a special FREE bonus simply for joining the 2 week free trial.

The Keys to Freedom Bundle is filled with 3 incredibly valuable video lessons about how to build a successful real estate business from scratch, including a script that you can use with realtors to get them to help you identify properties.

Here is the full breakdown of the

Keys to Freedom Bundle:

Your Dreams, Our Priority

We understand the challenges keeping you awake at night — feeling unfulfilled despite being skillful, living paycheck to paycheck due to lifestyle choices, and yearning for financial independence beyond the confines of a job.

We know your hopes and dreams: to achieve financial independence, buy back your time, and tap into hidden potential. Let us be your guide on this transformative journey.
Brian Adanson
About Brian Adamson
Since 2006, Brian Adamson has been a distinguished International Investor, Philanthropist, and Business Coach for 18+ years. He has helped real estate investors, coaches, and consultants build up to 6 to 7 figure businesses.

With ownership of over 100 units, Brian's expertise spans 100 successful fix-and-flips and wholesale deals, showcasing his in-depth knowledge of the real estate industry.

Committed to helping others thrive, he shares his wealth of experience to guide aspiring entrepreneurs toward building successful businesses.

Join Believers N Biz Today!

Unlock the door to a world of possibilities.
Sign up for the Believers N Biz Community and kickstart your journey to business success, financial freedom, and personal fulfillment.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Your future begins with a single step — take it with Believers N Biz!
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